Use functional whole-body training as an effective unique selling point!

Using functional whole-body training as an effective USP

"Mum, Dad, Grandma & Grandpa: when was the last time you crawled around your dining table on all fours?"

Everyday movements are often a complex sequence of muscular demands on the whole body. Isolated training of individual muscles can effectively improve them in isolation, but the complex interaction can only be improved through functional training with complex exercises. Training must be geared to this requirement in order to meet preventive and rehabilitative demands. It not only serves to improve the performance of athletes in specific sports, but is above all essential for the preventive application in the target group 50+ for fall prevention and for the preservation of everyday movements that are unlearned over the years.

Using valuable target groups as an opportunity for alignment

More than half of all prescriptions for physiotherapy by doctors are for spinal disorders (43%) and neurological conditions (13%). Although heart failure and coronary heart disease are still the number one cause of death, neurological and orthopaedic complaints play an important role for the individual quality of life in young and especially in old age (source: 2017- Physioverband Deutschland). They often not only cause pain, but also an increasing restriction of mobility and a high degree of uncertainty in balance and equilibrium. This trend was reinforced by the legally mandated movement restrictions during the Covid19 pandemic warn sports physicians and scientists: a sustainably healthy society can only be achieved in the future through the interaction of body and mind and a holistically oriented health training of all conditional and coordinative factors such as strength, endurance, mobility and coordination.

Customer loyalty means building relationships in training

If you want to offer high-quality health training, you have to ensure quality and professionalism: excellent customer care brings reliable customer loyalty. This simple connection is the basis for a sustainable, future-oriented concept and means a change from the usual maxims of the fitness market. Individual support by well-trained competent staff with scientifically based training equipment enables optimal application possibilities in the field of health training.

Using functional training as a personal "relationship booster

Functional training is the third pillar of a holistic health concept, alongside equipment-based strength and endurance training. The focus here is on flexibility, stabilisation and coordination training. Mobilisation and strengthening are the foundation of the entire musculoskeletal system for the basic freedom to perform exercises.

Free and complex movements require individual and high-quality support in the form of personal training with 1:1 supervision or more economically effective in small group training of four to a maximum of ten people. With the help of well thought-out training concepts and tools, the personal trainer, therapist or coach is relieved of the burden of his training sessions and can focus completely on the execution of movements and the individual needs of his clients. In such training units, the trainees inductively learn the free exercises in order to be able to apply the complex contents in the long term and sustainably in everyday life. This form of training ensures constant, intrinsic motivation of the exercisers, rapid learning successes and a high degree of certainty in achieving training goals. It creates a high social bond between trainer and trainees and ensures a lower risk of member fluctuation.

High-quality personal training with individual planning, support and control can be optimally used by health facilities as another pillar to increase turnover. Especially the solvent target group 50+ with the training motives of health, freedom from pain and the desire to regain quality of life are highly interested in face-to-face support with an extra fee.

Certified §20 prevention courses according to SGB V, which are subsidised by health insurance companies, are a good way to get started and to acquire new customers. With a network of cooperation partners such as doctors, therapists and health insurance companies, inhibition thresholds can be reduced and the introduction to training can be made attractive for new customers.

Functional Room from Spogress®

The Functional Room is a flexible room concept for holistic and functional training on the smallest training area from 18m². The focus is on improving the quality of movement by strengthening the core and improving mobility to prevent injuries. The overall concept consists of the Functional Studio Kit, a mobile functional mat system with different printing on a total of three modules. Thanks to the high-quality and quality-tested material, the mat system is non-slip on conventional floors and ensures a safe workout. The simple roll-out of the system enables effective and time-saving workouts and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Conventional small equipment such as sling trainers, balance trainers, training bands, etc. can be optimally integrated into the respective exercise symbols. The Mobility Kit, as a mobility system, is the perfect complement to the mat system for prevention and pain relief of joint, spine and muscle complaints. The system can be used as an all-in-one concept in a space of less than 5 m² by up to 6 people at the same time. In larger spaces, the system can be flexibly set up with the individual modules as a circuit concept within a few minutes. The castors underneath the modules ensure easy and intuitive rearrangement without much effort. The entire room concept can be flexibly adapted and supplemented with additional equipment such as training benches, cable pulleys or traction resistance systems, depending on the training application. The respective ERGOFIT consultants of the Spogress® brand are available for 2D and 3D planning and personal consultation.

Pop-up training areas to attract new customers

Mobile training areas have not only proven to be a flexible concept in training, but also offer far-reaching possibilities for acquiring new customers. With the help of transportable training systems (pop-up gyms), short-term micro or boutique facilities for workouts can be created in order to address new target groups, for example in the area of corporate fitness (BGM) as retailing.

Published in Shape Up Magazine

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